Raihan — ✦

afro-caribbean • he/they • 17

know me more ✦

about greyromantic bisexual non-binary transmasc
likes anime, manga, vocaloid, music, nintendo games (mainly gb-dsi), harajuku fashion, cats
dislikes major spoilers for games/shows i'm interested in, bugs, spiders, people who are rude for no reason
socials private twt tumblr discord spotify curious cat

notes ✧

i have adhd & autism (self-dx), please use tone tags when talking to me and say if i said anything wrong or something that upsets you

read this before interacting ✦

before you follow i curse alot, say slurs that i can reclaim, ramble, say nsfw stuff sometimes (it’s tagged) and i’m very retweet heavy
do not interact if you fit basic dni criteria, -15 25+, shtwt/edtwt, not black unless i follow first, talk over black people and their problems, think self diagnosis is not valid and blackwashing is real, support nfts, genshintwt, mcyttwt

notes ✧

don't dm me unless we're close, if anyone that i'm following does something problematic/wrong dm me and don't tag me on posts, soft-block to unfollow

anime ✧

pokémon, jojo’s bizarre adventure, mob psycho 100, one punch man, death parade, hellsing, trigun, panty and stocking, sailor moon, power puff girls z

manga ✧

boys run the riot, princess jellyfish

chrono trigger, pokémon, rune factory, fire emblem, legend of zelda, the mother series, the world ends with you

shazna, malice mizer, buck-tick, fanatic crisis, lacryma christi, gulu gulu, kaneto juusei, dadaroma, sick², das:vasser, lareine, versailles

disclaimer ✧

i llisten to vkei but i don't know much about the bandmen. i don't support the problematic things that any of my favourite bands or the creators of these anime, manga and video games have done